Supporting the NHS etc etc.

Connecting care for
smarter referrals.

Cinapsis connects primary care workers with local specialists. We help them make decisions faster without referring their patients to hospitals.

A diagram showing the architecture for the Cinapsis system. From the phone a clinician selects a pathway and completes a report, which is then received by the specialist.A diagram showing the architecture for the Cinapsis system. From the phone a clinician selects a pathway and completes a report, which is then received by the specialist.
Our platform

Joining up specialist care across the whole patient expierence

Cinapsis connects healthcare workers in one seamless platform, so everyone can work together to provide patient care in a quick and streamlined manner.
The platform is available on both desktop and mobile devices, and syncs well with other standard systems.

Working with healthcare organisations across England

A map of the regions in England that support Cinapsis.
Clinician stories

How has Cinapsis benefitted clinicians?

We love to talk to the people using Cinapsis, and hearing how we've improved their process of care.

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